Kinship Systems

Lydia Whirlwind Soldier

(deep listening, information)

  1. In what ways did boarding schools break up families?
  2. How does it impact individuals to not have role models?
  3. How does the lack of role models affect the kinship system?
  4. How are Lakota names different from English names?
  5. How does the knowledge of bloodlines impact relationships?
  6. How do children learn to treat their relatives?
  7. What are other impacts of the boarding schools on families?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. Who is someone who has been a role model for me in my life? What things have I learned from him/her?
  2. Are there relationships within my family that are special to me because of the way we relate to one another? Special names, etc.?
  3. How have | learned about my family history?
  4. Have | ever spent time away from my family for an extended period of time? How did it impact me?