Showing Rather Than Telling

Whitney Rencountre

(deep listening, information)

  1. What are kinship rules and in what ways did they promote balance in the community?
  2. What were roles that were part of a traditional Lakota community?
  3. How did the influx of settlers impact the roles of the community?
  4. How did watching help shape the roles of children and how has that changed?
  5. In what ways does trauma impact the understanding of kinship?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. What defines my place in my family? Who helps me know my place?
  2. What roles are present in my immediate family that guide our interactions with one another? How about my extended family?
  3. How does my role in my family change over time? Or does it? Who taught me my role?
  4. Have I experienced trauma in my life that caused some understanding of kinship to be lost? Is it possible to regain that understanding? How?