The Story of Iktomi & the Ducks

Janet Claymore Ross

(deep listening, information)

  1. Who is Iktomi?
  2. What other stories about Iktomi are told by the Oceti Sakowin people?
  3. What other “trickster” stories exist within other storytelling traditions?
  4. What role does the telling of “trickster” stories play within a society?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. Were you ever told an “trickster stories”? What were they?
  2. What “learning” stories were you told while growing up?
  3. How do the details of this story strike you? What did you think of it-was it funny? Scary? Sad?
  4. How does Ms. Claymore Ross’s telling of this story compare with the other telling of this story linked below on this page?