Wounded Knee

Sidney Byrd

(deep listening, information)

  1. How do battles differ from massacres?
  2. How are medals of honor traditionally received?
  3. What was the Battle of Wounded Knee? The Battle of Little Big Horn?
  4. How does hearing multiple perspectives on history develop our understanding?
  5. What impacted the number of medals of honor given out for these battles described by Mr. Byrd, compared to a much larger battle like Iwojima?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. Have you ever learned another perspective about a story you have known a certain way for much of your life? How does that new perspective impact you?
  2. Do you or your family have war stories that are shared down generations? Have you considered the opposing side’s perspectives in those stories?
  3. Can you remember a time when you were treated unfairly? How did it resolve, or did it resolve?
  4. Are you aware of a defining moment in your family’s history…either positive or negative?