Working Together for Our Food

Delores Taken Alive

(deep listening, information)

  1. What kinds of foods were found in traditional native gardens in this area?
  2. How did people go about hauling water for plats and gardens?
  3. What kinds of foods could be gathered from wild harvests and where were they found? For example: berries, sand cherries, chokecherries, wild strawberries
  4. How were turnips harvested, and why did they put the plants back in the hole after picking them?
  5. How were root cellars used to store food? What kinds of foods were dried and canned?
  6. How did people learn about caring for horses and chickens and turkeys?
  7. What happens at powwows – Wacipi?

(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What is your experience with gardening or collecting wild harvests?
  2. What memories or traditions do you have related to food? What makes them important to you?
  3. How does storing food over months for winter compare to the access we have to food now? How might that access impact our relationship to the foot we eat?
  4. What memories do you have of caring for animals? How do those experiences impact you today?
  5. Who are your teachers fro things you learn outside of school?
  6. Has there ever been a time where you felt you were hearing a voice guiding or directing you? How did you respond?
  7. What is your experience with healing through nature or the natural world?
  8. In what ways does greed take control in your life at times?
  9. What is your experience of faith?
  10. If all things, including material things come from Mother Earth, in what way does that impact your life and your choices?