Welcoming the Thunder Beings

Waylon Black Crow

Learn ABOUT (deep listening, information)

  1. When is the Lakota New Year? How is it different than the New Year many people celebrate on January 1?
  2. What does it mean when Mother Earth “takes off her white shawl and everything turns green?”
  3. What does it mean to “Welcome back the thunder beings?”
  4. Why are there no more warriors? What has caused men to become “soft?”
  5. What has caused people to join gangs?

Learn FROM (deep listening, information)

  1. What does beginning a new year feel like to me? Do I look forward to it or feel anxiety or something else?
  2. How do I feel when Mother Earth “takes off her white shawl?”
  3. Have I ever been a warrior for a cause? What was it like?
  4. What is my own experience with gangs?