Trauma & Resilience

Faith Spotted Eagle

(deep listening, information)

  1. What is trauma?
  2. What does it mean for Native people needing to heal?
  3. What does it mean for non-Native people needing to come out of denial?
  4. What are non-Native people in denial of?
  5. What is a treaty?
  6. Why are treaties made?
  7. How did treaties cause the land to be taken?
  8. How were Native people displaced? What were the results of that displacement?
  9. How was language taken?
  10. What is a boarding school?
  11. Why were boarding schools created?t
  12. What happened in the boarding schools?
  13. What causes layers of trauma to be created within individuals?
  14. Name the sources of the traumas Native people have gone through.
  15. What causes secondary trauma?
  16. How can secondary trauma be avoided?
  17. Why is it that communities are coming out of a 500-year “winter”?
  18. How do alcohol, drugs, and violence sedate people from the traumas they have experienced?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. Have I ever experienced trauma in my life? If so, can I describe it and name it?
  2. What does it take for me to heal from bad things that happen in my life? Have I ever truly healed from something really bad in my life? If so, how did it happen? If I haven’t healed yet, how might it happen?
  3. Have I ever experienced denial?
  4. How does denial create bigger problems for me?
  5. Thinking about treaties…Have I ever seen a part of something similar? If so, was the agreement kept? What was it like to agree with someone?
  6. Boarding schools caused individuals to be taken from their families…have I ever been in a situation where I couldn’t be near my family? How long? How did it feel?
  7. What would it be like to not have access to my family?
  8. Have I ever had experiences with drugs, alcohol, or violence that have affected me directly? What were the experiences like?
  9. Do I carry problems from my parents or other family members that are not my own? Why are they problems for me?