The Story of Commitment

Duane Hollow Horn Bear

(deep listening, information)

  1. What does the word kola mean?
  2. What did the man’s kola feel things would change once the man got married?
  3. What did the kolas do together?
  4. What happened to the young man to be married?
  5. How did the girl respond to her auntie when she shared the news about her man she was to marry?
  6. How did her commitment of love to the one she would marry change her life forever?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. Are there people in my life that I would call kolas? What make them special to me?
  2. What is my experience with commitments?
  3. Do I know of people who have committed their lives to one another even to the point of death? If so, what have I learned from them?
  4. Is music important to me? If so, that are ways that I use music in my life?
  5. How does music help me to share myself?