Standing on the Prayers of My People

Faith Spotted Eagle

(deep listening, information)

  1. What does it mean to “Stand on the Prayers of my people”?
  2. In what ways do you hear the prayers of your people?
  3. How is Mother Earth a partner?
  4. What is the “shaking” and why is it happening?
  5. In what ways can we give back to Mother Earth?
  6. How does learning about one’s culture help us survive into the future?
  7. What is PTSD?
  8. What is genetic memory”?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation

  1. What do I know about the prayers or desires of my own ancestors? Do their wishes play a role in my actions?
  2. In what ways do I partner with the natural environment? In what ways do I learn from the natural environment?
  3. What signs do I see that the natural environment might be impacted negatively by the actions of humans or even by my own actions?
  4. Are there ways that I try to give back to the earth? Are there ways that I would like to give back to the earth?
  5. What do I know about my heritage and culture? Does my own knowledge or lack of knowledge about my culture impact me?
  6. What sources of trauma have occurred in my life? What traumas might I have inherited from my family or my broader cultural community?
  7. Are there things that I seem to know deep inside without having learned from the outside? What are those things?
  8. Has there ever been a time when I learned something from an elder or teacher for the first time, but it felt like I’d somehow always known it? What is that story?