School Community as a Family

Velma Kills Back

(deep listening, information)

  1. What is a brotherhood community?
  2. What makes a community a “brotherhood?”
  3. Where is the town of Porcupine, SD?
  4. What is a tiospaye?
  5. What is a hocica? (Sacred Circle)
  6. What does it mean to smudge?
  7. What is a medicine wheel? How does it explain wisdom, sharing, bravery and respect?
  8. Why is respect the most important aspect of working and learning together?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. What relationships do I have in my life reflect the kind of relationships formed in a brotherhood community?
  2. How do I develop relationships like that, and then how do I care for those relationships?
  3. Is my family like a tiospaye? In what ways is it similar/different?
  4. Have I ever taken part in a smudging ceremony? Is that is a different ceremony than I am used to, do I take part in other ceremonies that are similar?
  5. What are the ways that I connect to the medicine wheel?
  6. How can the medicine wheel help me to better understand my life how I relate to the world?
  7. Are there things I have been taught in my life that are similar to the teachings of the medicine wheel? What are they?