Mitakuye Oyasin

Ricky Gray Grass

Learn ABOUT (deep listening, information)

  1.  How did the boarding school era make people feel ashamed of their heritage?
  2. What is the American Indian Movement (AIM)?
  3. What is Mitakuye Oyasin?
  4. Why are more young people today learning their culture from books or technology?
  5. What do the words Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota mean?
  6. Who are the following Oceti Sakowin leaders?
    • Crazy Horse
    • Rain in the Face
    • Gall
    • Sitting Bull
    • Red Cloud
    • American Horse
    • Little Wound
    • Little Hawk
  7. What is the significance of June 25, 1876?
  8. What tribal groups participated in the “Battle of the Little Bighorn”?

Learn FROM (deep sharing, transformation)

  1. What do I know about my own cultural heritage? How did I learn about it?
  2. Are there significant political, religious, or social movements that influenced or affected my ancestors? What were they?
  3. Whom do I consider to be my relatives?
  4. Beyond “blood” is there anything else that makes a person a relative?
  5. What leaders (political, religious, spiritual, social, etc.) do I look up to?
  6. Has my family or have I personally experienced a situation in which I had to “forgive but not forget”? What experience was that?
  7. What virtues or strengths do I have that came to me from my ancestors?