Life and Giving Thanks

Sydney Byrd

(deep listening, information)

  1. What are the traditional Lakota beliefs concerning “living things” and things like rocks that are generally considered “inanimate”? How much are Mr. Byrd’s views influenced by traditional Lakota views and how much are they influenced by Christian views?
  2. In what way are we all related to everything that was created? Does that include only “living” things, or does it also include rocks, minerals, etc…?
  3. What is the meaning of Mitakuye Oyasin?
  4. Is it traditional to give thanks for things like air and water for the Lakota people? How often?
  5. What’s the meaning of Wakan Tanka?
  6. What are the traditional Lakota views concerning the source of Life and the role of Death?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What living things (other than people) do you interact with on a regular basis? Are they important to you? Why?
  2. Are there some non-living things that are important to you as well? What makes them important to you?
  3. What “free things” hold great value for you?
  4. How do you give thanks? Do you consider yourself a generally thankful person?
  5. What are your beliefs concerning the source of Life and the role of Death?