Forces of Disintegration & Integration

Kevin Locke

(deep listening, information)

  1. What is resilience?
  2. What causes a loss of resilience with age?
  3. In what ways is the pace of change accelerating in your world?
  4. What does research tell us about the impact of the televised news cycle on US consumers/viewers?
  5. What are the forces of disintegration?
  6. What are the forces of integration?
  7. Why might the media focus more on negative aspects concerning tribal people rather than positive ones?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What have you noticed about your own resilience or ability to adapt to change even after tough situations or experiences? Have you become more or less resilient with time?
  2. What changes have you seen during your lifetime so far that have presented challenges? What changes have you seen that you have gladly welcomed?
  3. Has watching news about tragic world events impacted you? In what ways?
  4. Do you tend to be a bringer of “good news” or of “bad news” around others? Do you see yourself as an agent of integration or of disintegration?
  5. How do you balance seeing the positive with being realistic about the struggles?