Family Is Always There

Lowell Amiotte

(deep listening, information)

  1. In what way are relationships with friends and family important in life?
  2. How do relationship with friends and family differ from one another?
  3. How does losing a friend to death differ from losing a family member?
  4. Lowell said, “Family is what you come to in the end,” what did he mean by that?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. Who would you list as your most important relationships in your family? What makes them important to you?
  2. who would you list as your most important relationships in your group of friends? What makes them important to you?
  3. In your family, what kinship terms (uncle, aunt, cousin, etc.) do you use? Does calling them by those names change your relationship to them?
  4. Have you lost in important friend or family member? How did it affect you?