Enrollment & Blood Quantum

Faith Spotted Eagle

(deep listening, information)

  1. What is blood quantum?
  2. What is bloodism?
  3. How is assigning a blood quantum number similar to the Concentration Camps of the past?
  4. What is lineal descendency?
  5. How are blood quantum and lineal descendency similar? Different?
  6. How is blood quantum/lineal descendency tied to rights to vote and to land claims?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. How would I describe my own “blood quantum” and does it affect how I see myself…my identity?
  2. What does my own lineal descendency look like?
  3. Are there ancestral roles that I connect to from my own family lineage?
  4. Are there rights or privileges in my life that are determined by my lineal descendency?