Developing Native Writers

Lowel Amiotte

(deep listening, information)

  1. Why is important to develop native writers when so many stories have been written by non-native people?
  2. Why isn’t there very much of a written voice for the native people?
  3. What is the Oak Lake Writers Association? How has it helped develop a written voice for native people?
  4. Who is Lydia Whirlwind Soldier?
  5. Who is Liz Cook Lynn?
  6. Who is Don Montileaux?
  7. What is a vanishing language? Lowell says, “We don’t want to be the vanishing anything,” what does he mean by that?
  8. Why is it good to read other people’s philosophies and religions?
  9. Lowell says, “We are responsible for 7 generations,” what does he mean by that?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. Are there written stories of your family’s history, culture, ethnicity? How might having those stories written help you as an individual?
  2. In what ways does a written voice differ from an oral voice for you? In what ways are both important to you?
  3. What oral stories do you know from your own family that have never been written down? How do they continue to be passed on through your family?
  4. Have you ever taken time to learn about another philosophy or religion that is not your own? Why or why not? If so, how has it helped you?
  5. In your family, do you have a sense of responsibility for the something similar to the seven generations Lowell speaks of? How does that shape the way you see the world?