Bows & Variety & Culture Sharing

Joseph Marshall III

(deep listening, information)

  1. What’s a Mongolian Horse Bow and how does it compare to traditional Lakota bows?
  2. What are the key differences between the Lakota Hunting Bows, the Lakota Combat Bows, and the Lakota Buffalo Bows?
  3. When did the horse come to the Lakota?
  4. What are some of the key theories concerning the number of tribes and languages present when Columbus came?
  5. What is the meaning of “Pan Indian”?
  6. What are some examples of how specific environmental factors shaped the culture and practice of various tribes in various places?
  7. How did the resilient design of the Lakota Bow come about?
  8. What kinds of specific differences are there among the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people? What are their similarities?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. Have you ever experienced being “categorized” in a generic group against your will? If so, where and when did it happen, and how did it impact you?
  2. What bits of culture (music, food, dance, stories, etc..) have you picked up from sources other than your childhood home culture? Have you embraced any of these as your own?
  3. Would you consider yourself open to new ideas, practices, or beliefs, or a bit afraid of things that are “different”?
  4. Is there a personal story you remember when your resilience was tested by a very stressful or trying incident or event? Would you be willing to share that story, including what got you through the difficult parts?