Appreciating Life and Family

Delores Taken Alive

(deep listening, information)

  1. What are the traditional practices of the
    Lakota people in disciplining or helping
    children learn?
  2. How does growing up in close proximity (like a small house or even a tent or tipi) impact the relationships of individuals and families
  3. Do Lakota families traditional play a lot of games with each other
  4. Why do games happen in the wintertime? Do they happen in other season too?
  5. What’s a “hayrack”?
  6. For Lakota people, how is it different to talk with each other in Lakota rather than in English?
  7. What is “skillet” bread or “kabubu”bread?
  8. What are the Lakota beliefs concerning death?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. What are your personal memories
    concerning discipline or being
  2. How did the adults in your life growing up help you to learn what you needed to learn?
  3. What memories do you have of your house or living space growing up? How did that space impact your relationships with your family or those who lived with you?
  4. What games did you enjoy when you were younger? What games do you enjoy now?
  5. Do you remember any special activities that happened with certain seasons? What were they?
  6. Do you have a special relationship with a brother or sister? Do you have a special relationship with someone who is like a brother or sister? What kinds of things do you do together?
  7. Did you grow up with any special foods that stick in your memory
  8. What beliefs do you have concerning death? Have they changed over time?