Folk Arts

Kevin Locke

(deep listening, information)

  1. What is the Folk Art movement? What artistic expressions might it include?
  2. What opportunities exist for Lakota, Dakota and Nakota traditional artists to share culture and art around the country and the world?
  3. What’s the difference between “vicarious” appreciation of an art form and “participatory” engagement with an art form?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. Do you practice any forms of artistic expression? What is your creative passion?
  2. Have you experienced presentations by Folk artists of any kind? Where and When? How did it impact you? Did you “participate”?
  3. Do you see yourself as a “legitimate heir” to the richness of the human heritage? What do you think that might mean?
  4. What arts were practiced in your family? Have you inherited any to pass on to the next generation?