Respecting Mother Earth

Delores Taken Alive

(deep listening, information)

  1. What process did people use for burning their waste, and why was it important to bury the waste in the earth?
  2. What are ways we can show respect to Unci Maka (grandmother earth?)
  3. Be careful with fire, matches, etc.
  4. When did it become unsafe to drink from the springs?
  5. What makes a person’s Otiwote – this is where you grow up – important?
  6. Why is it important to care for the animals (even wild animals) especially in the winter?
  7. How were communities organized so that payments were not needed for the things people did for one another?
  8. Where and what is Bear Butte?
  9. What are Cekepapi?
  10. Wha tis Haneblecia?
  11. In what ways do stories like this help us to understand place and time and ourselves better?

(deep listening, transformation)

  1. How do you get rid of wast that is generated in your home? Are there ways that it could be handled better?
  2. Do you have specific ways to show respect to the earth?
  3. Have you ever had an experience of begin able to drink water from a lake or stream or eat food straight off the land? What was it like?
  4. How would you describe your Otiwote? In what ways did it shape you as a person?
  5. Do you have people that you exchange goods or services with in your life rather than paying money? How does this way of being with others differ from paying money?