Lakota Identity

Delores Taken Alive

(deep listening, information)

  1. What are bands?
  2. Who are the Hunkpapa?
  3. Who is Sitting Bull?
  4. How do Lakota girls traditionally learn the “women’s ways”?
  5. How do Lakota boys traditionally learn the “men’s” ways?
  6. What are the traditional Lakota beliefs concerning marriage and sexual intercourse?
  7. What are the causes of so many young people not learning these teachings?
  8. What are the traditional Lakota beliefs concerning Respect for one’s self and for others?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What do you know about gangs?
  2. Did you learn about socially appropriate ways for men or for women? How did you learn these things and from whom?
  3. What are your beliefs about relationships and marriage? Have you ever experienced conflict over differences or opinions about these things? How did you resolve that conflict?
  4. What are your beliefs concerning Respect?
  5. Have you ever found yourself in a position of passing on important information to someone younger than you about appropriate behavior or social etiquette? How did you accomplish that?
  6. How is your personal identity related to the social norms of the larger group you grew up in?