Crayons & Shelterbelts

Kevin Locke

(deep listening, information)

  1. How cold does it get in South Dakota in the winter?
  2. What similarities are there in children’s drawings from around the globe? What studies or research has been done in connection with this?
  3. What’s the history of the causes and impacts of the Dustbowl in the US? In South Dakota?
  4. How did the Dustbowl impact the people of the Oceti Sakowin specifically?
  5. What is soil erosion?
  6. What are shelterbelts?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What things do you remember drawing as a child?
  2. Do you still draw or doodle? What sorts of things do you draw now?
  3. What might someone learn about you from looking at your drawings or doodles-either as a child or now…or both?
  4. Do you believe your purpose is to be a blessing or to provide Beauty? Or do you see your purpose as something else?
  5. What are/is YOUR…
    1. Solid Foundation
    2. Overarching Goals
    3. Light of Knowledge
    4. Warmth of Love
    5. Soft Breezes
    6. Gentle Rains
  6. Has anyone been a “shelterbelt” for you in some of these ways?
    1. Love
    2. Compassion
    3. Truthfulness
    4. Trustworthiness
    5. Continuity
    6. Constancy
    7. Dependability
  7. Who might you be “sheltering” and in what ways?