No “Stop Signs”

Pearl Kennedy-Colombe

(deep listening, information)

  1. What does Pearl mean when she says, “Babies don’t come with a guarantee?”
  2. How does thinking about the future help people as they go through life?
  3. How does the question, “Whatcha gonna be when you grow up? help young people?
  4. Why is it important to put the idea of a future into the thoughts of young people?
  5. What does Pearl mean when she says, “There’s no stoplights outside the reservation-you can go anywhere you want?”

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. How did you feel about the future when you were young?
  2. Did you have people that helped you to set goals in life? Who were they, and in what ways did they help?
  3. So many people today deal with depression, and hopelessness, and feel defeated. How might thinking about the future in a positive way help to turn those feelings around?
  4. Are there limits you put on yourself because of where you come from, who your family is, what your experience in life has been so far?
  5. How might it change your life to think about not having limits on what you can do?