75 Cents per Hour

Pearl Kennedy-Colombe

(deep listening, information)

  1. What was the liquor law that was repealed in 1952?
  2. How did the repealing of that law affect the native populations in South Dakota?
  3. What is the minimum wage from different eras of history?
  4. When did the minimum wage begin and why?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What is your experience with alcohol? Has it affected you or your family? In what way?
  2. What is your experience of working for minimum wage?
  3. What is the lowest minimum wage you remember working for?
  4. Pearl lived on $.75 per hour and saved enough to buy a house for herself and her siblings…what is your experience of living on a low wage?
  5. Have you ever had someone outside of your family who cared for you or made a notable impact on your life the way that Mrs. Liefferman did for Pearl and her siblings?
  6. Have you ever had to care for a family member that wasn’t necessarily something you should have been expected to do? What was the experience like?