1852 Treaty and 1892 Agreement

Faith Spotted Eagle

(deep listening, information

  1. What was the 1851 Treaty?
  2. How did the 1851 Treaty affect the people of the Oceti Sakowin?
  3. Who was involved when the treaty was signed at Ft. Laramie, WY?
  4. How big was the territory that the 1851 Treaty affected?
  5. How did changing the words from treaty to agreement affect the relationship between the Government and the people of the Oceti Sakowin? What is the Pipestone Quarry and where is it?
  6. How did the 1892 Agreement change the 1858 Treaty?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. Are there some examples in my own life in which “changing the language of something impacted me negatively? Positively?
  2. Are there any things that I have felt like the “steward” of that thing were taken from me? How did I deal with this?