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Sidney Byrd

(deep listening, information)

  1. Why was Sid gone for three years without a visit home?
  2. Why was Sis afraid to go to the Disciplinarian’s Office?
  3. Why was he sent to boarding school at that point?
  4. What caused Sid to not be able to communicate with his Grandparents when he saw them?
  5. Why were students beaten for speaking Lakota?
  6. What makes the language the “heart and soul” of a people?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. What experience or memories do you have of being away fro home as a child? How long was it?
  2. Were you ever “sent away” to attend something that you really didn’t want to do?
  3. What experiences to do you have of being in a place where you didn’t understand the language being spoken?
  4. What would it be like to never be able to speak your primary language again? How would that change who you are as a person or as part of a group of people?