Leaving Home

Sidney Byrd

Learn ABOUT (deep listening, information)

  1. What did Grandfather mean by telling him he would be living in an entirely different world?
  2. What does it mean that “white man would number like the starts in the sky and sands on the seashore”?
  3. In what ways did Sid feel like he was being dressed as a woman when they chose clothing from the mission?
  4. What kind of clothing had Sid been wearing up until this point?
  5. Why would a train seem like a “black monster”?
  6. Why was it important to Grandfather for Sid to learn the language and ways of the white man?
  7. Why did Grandmother encourage him to notice the moon and the stars?


Learn FROM (deep sharing, transformation)

  1. Have you ever been in a place of fear meeting a new group of people?
  2. What is it like to be in the minority? Or, what is it like to always be in the dominant group?
  3. Have you ever had to dress in a certain way to fulfill a role? What was the experience like?
  4. Has there ever been a time that you have been on a steep learning curve to understand a new idea or way of being? What was that like?