Women’s Societies

Faith Spotted Eagle

(deep listening, information)

  1. What has evolved within Women’s Societies?
  2. Why is it so important to do things outdoors?
  3. How does your work with Women’s Societies help solve bullying?
  4. What is the Buffalo ceremony?
  5. What is a camp crier (Ayapaha)?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What groups am I a part of that have had to evolve or change with time? Have the changes been good? Have some been not so good?
  2. What experiences have I had outdoors? How has the outdoors impacted me?
  3. Have I been bulled? Have I been a bully? What solutions have I experienced for bullying?
  4. How can a community help with things like bullying and gossip?
  5. How can a community be hurtful in terms of bullying and gossip?
  6. When should conflict resolution involve a whole community and when should it involve just the individuals in conflict? How should these descions be made?