Getting an Education

Pearl Kennedy-Colombe

(deep listening, information)

  1. Pearl refers to many different schools
    she attended as she grew up. Where are
    the following schools and what kind of
    schools are they? Steffan? St. Joseph’s
    Indian School? Chamberlain Public
    School? Flandreau Indian School?
  2. How did attending a white school help Pearl as she learned?
  3. Why was getting an education important to Pearl?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. How many schools have you attended?
    Where and when? How were the
    schools you attended similar? Different?
  2. Are there things that you learned in certain schools or at certain levels that you felt were extra important?
  3. What was your experience of school like in general? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
  4. Have you ever attended a school that wasn’t public? What was it like?