Why Isn’t This Taught

Whitney Rencountre

(deep listening, information)

  1. What does the area around Ft. Thompson look like?
  2. How did the river impact this area?
  3. How did the flooding that happened when the Big Bend Dam was created impact the people who lived in this area?
  4. What facts of our state history are left out of the history books?
  5. How do textbooks influence history?
  6. What was the 1864 Treaty about?
  7. What was the Black Hills Act about? Why is the full history of our state not more openly talked about and available to those in our state?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, transformation)

  1. What do I know about the Native history in my state? How does developing my understanding of this history help me to better understand my neighbors?
  2. Have I spent time learning about history in ways other than through my textbooks at school? How does gaining multiple perspectives of history change my view of the world?
  3. What have I learned about the treaties and governmental acts in my state over time? How does my understanding or lack of understanding affect the way I interact with others?
  4. What are ways I might develop my own understanding of my state’s history if it isn’t being taught in my school?